Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hanging around on a Saturday

Today we focused on finishing the sponsorship package materials with several of the kids who weren't available until today.Played a little soccer and tossed a football with several of the boys.  Made the rounds in the neighborhood. Here's some photos from today:

This is Madame Lariche, a resident at the House of Love. She wanted a photo with Mimi, the resident cat.

Yes, the chickens are still alive and well at the House of Love. I suspect that their longevity will depend on their egg laying results.

Here's the art photo of the day. Lots of lush flowering climbing bushes grow up the security walls around residences. This photo was aimed through the razor wire that sets on top of most residential security walls.

Here's an apartment house in our neighborhood. Wanted to show that everything isn't destitute in Port-au-Prince. I really liked the architecture of this building.

Here Geoff is speaking with Karen, a missionary who among other things, provides an afternoon community center for the local children. She has a heart for the handicapped and works to obtain medical treatment for them. Geoff's daughter, Grace, was found in a trash heap near Karen's mission, Coram Deo, and Karen was instrumental in getting Grace to HIS Home and ultimately to Michigan.

This is a "creek" that runs through Karen's neighborhood. Just upstream is a tent camp and so this really operates as a sewer. Grace was found near here.

Julie arrived today from NYC. She brings down large supplies of baby formula several times a year. When it looked like Loubencia was going to die last year, Julie flew down to be by her side. What a joyous reunion.

This afternoon we are up on the balcony. Hal is in his glory with tons of children about. Behind him is Emanie who is giving us a concert on her new violin. The Taubel family that I wrote about last Sunday brought 80 violins with them. One was given to Emanie. After 3 lessons this week, she is able to play the first half of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. I couldn't get a close up of Emanie as Joclene had fallen asleep on my lap so I just held up the camera and clicked.

Another joyous day in Haiti.

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