Saturday, December 8, 2012

When Antonio intersects Banderas

Not too long ago, I was in Orange County and driving up Antonio Parkway.

It was a beautiful sunny day in Southern California (of course) and I passed many streets. Then I came to Banderas.

Yes, I was at the intersection of Antonio and Banderas! It looked like this:

But who says that it couldn't look like this?

Yes, we are always traveling through interesections. We can choose to see them just as another red light or we can choose to see them as astounding opportunities.

Every day we intersect with people....with places......with thoughts......with opportunities.

I really enjoy savoring my daily intersections (or connections). I see joy-filled living as intentional connection to the opportunities of each day. It has been my experience that being open to the possibilities of each encounter - of each intersection - results in all kinds of interesting experiences. And fascinating stories. And amazing people.  And maybe even an actor or two.....

So, at your next intersection, ask yourself: "Is this just a traffic light?  Or is it something much more!"

1 comment:

  1. In old Punta Gorda, there was an intersection of Elizabeth St. and Taylor Road.
