Sunday, July 15, 2012

Paragliding and Updrafts

Yesterday I spent a delightful morning watching paragliding off the cliffs just south of the Torrey Pines Golf Club in La Jolla, California. The sky was overcast with the marine layer (looks like high level fog) that I'm told is prevalent this time of year. The updrafts off these cliffs make it a perfect venue for gliding. It was so peaceful. One can sit on benches by a food stand and watch the paragliding. Here as in most places in southern California it seems, there was a 3 person band of guys of a certain age playing the 60's classics. And they were very good. There was also a trail that led down the cliffs to the public beach below. It was idyllic.

I sat there wondering what it would be like to strap on the harness, don the helmet, and essentially walk off the edge of the cliff and let just the breeze support you. There was no doubt in my mind that each of these paragliders was fully engaged in the process and totally loving it. The updrafts supported them and they soared.

It got me thinking about the different kinds of support that I receive as I sail through my life - God, family, friends - and for their support, I am blessed and deeply grateful. These are my updrafts.

Maybe someday I'll take up paragliding but in the meantime I plan to joyfully sail through each day that I am given.

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