Sunday, September 16, 2012

Peaceful September Morning at Glen Lake

It's another beautiful morning at Glen Lake. As I took my morning walk, I decided not to plug into my iPod but to listen to the stillness of the post Labor Day morning. After Labor Day the crowds thin out Up North. But while there are less people, there are still many others to share the morning with me. I heard the rustle of the leaves as they conversed with the mild southwest wind. I heard from up in the woods the caw-caw of the crows. The ducks quacked and the Canada geese honked. There was even a distant plaintive cry of the lone gull. My favorite was the clicking chirp of the kingfisher. The rising sun was warming the land. Pure peace!

View of Glen Lake with Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes at the west end of the lake. Taken from the Narrows Bridge on 091612. In the foreground on the left are remaining pilings from one of the earlier bridges.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I believe that Jacksonville is my favorite city in Florida. It has lots to offer and it's where my cousin Heather lives.  Last night, I was in town so Heather and I had a lovely dinner at The Public Landing at a steak and seafood restaurant. Our table was by the window overlooking the St. Johns River. As we munched, a pod of dolphins swam by and put on a show. Later on as we strolled the river walkway, they swam by us again. Pure magical joy!

Main Street Bridge from Public Landing. (Dolphins were camera shy and swam by later.)

Main Street Bridge to the left and fountain on other side of river. This really is a cool place to river and this photo does not begin to do it justice.

We also strolled by a luxury yacht which is presumably belongs to the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars. It was tied up right by the river walk so we naturally gawked with all of the other passerbys. It was over the top complete with spiral staircase - really?!  Photo taken from parking lot.